Sunflower Farmers Game Demo

Note: Not Financial Advice, Do Ur Own Research

Recommended wallet:

Chrome extension: TokenPocket extension wallet

Mobile terminal: TokenPocket

Click to view the TokenPocket extension tutorial

Sunflower Farmers is an open-source and play-to-earn game that allows users to plant, craft, mine, chop, fish, fight and more as they build their farming empires. Most farmers first earn Sunflower Tokens by planting and harvesting. However, as players level up, they can embark on more lucrative adventures and begin collecting wood, stone, iron, and other valuable materials. Each resource requires a specific tool to collect. These tools are made by various other resources in the game and are designed as ERC20 contracts. If you chop a wood, you can freely trade it between farms or on an open exchange. Players have full ownership of what they collect in the game.

Donation function:

To create a farm, Sunflower Farmers asks users to donate at least $0.1 MATIC to a charity of their choice. The donation will directly go to the charity’s blockchain address (mentioned in the text).

Mining fee:

Since the game is powered by blockchain technology, every time users save their farms to the blockchain, they need to pay miners a small fee. This fee ensures that the farm is safe, secure and reliable. Saving a farm to the blockchain costs about 0.007 MATIC, which is about $0.007.

Network Settings

Unlike Metamask, which needs to manually type information such as RPC and ID, Dfox allows users quickly enter the Polygon (Matic) mainnet directly through the network options at the top, which is more convenient.

Click to learn more:

Game experience

1、Click the Sunflower Farmers game link:, and choose “Get Started” to call dfox to log in. Select “Read more about the super & demand” to access the official website tutorial archive. It is recommended that novice users go here to have a comprehensive understanding of the game.

Select the address to be connected and click “Connect” to complete the connection.

2、After logging into the game, you can see several donation projects mentioned in the above introduction. You can click “About” to learn the details of projects. Select one of them, and click “Donate & Play” to call dfox for authorization.

During the authorization process, it is recommended to select the Gwei between 500-600. The Polygon network is congested recently, so a higher gas fee is required, which can be set according to the user's own conditions.

3、After completing the donation, users can enter the game. The game interface is divided into left, middle and right functions. The upper left corner is the “save” and “about” buttons. Saving requires gas payment. The middle part is the theme interface of the game. Users can click the NPCs with question marks to view the details. There are also functions such as “craft” and “upgrade”, which will be detailed below. In the upper right corner are the number of sunflowers, the Quickswap entry, and the inventory.


The top is the tool category. In each category, you can select the tools to be purchased to generate or create the required resources. The lower right corner is the SFF tokens that you need to spend for the purchase. You need to save your farm before purchasing.


Click “Upgrade”, and you can view the items needed for the upgrade in the interface. The higher the level is, the more functions it supports. For example, functions such as chicken farms need to be upgraded before they can be used.

Functional distribution map:

Click for details:

Sunflower Harvesting and Planting:

Click the sunflower in the middle to collect it, and click the pit to continue planting sunflowers, up to five sunflowers, which will mature in 1 minute.

Sunflower Farmer was launched at the end of September 2021, but it didn't gain any traction until December. The project has no ICO or pre-sale of NFTs to early adopters. Through this, the platform hopes to make it a real play-to-earn game, rather than the pay-to-earn one that can arise from selling NFTs to early adopters and then listing them at premium prices. It is a very playable game.
